What better decoration for your home than our beautiful gel candle, a decoration that you can put in your bedroom, living room or even your bathroom. You can do it in any month of the year we count as many colors of sand and decorations that you can have inside your gel candle, today we will show you how to make one for these holidays in December, it will be something easy and fun the only thing you will need is:
Glass bowl
Candle wicks
Sand (you can use any color you want in this case we will use white, blue, red and green)
Mini Christmas ornaments
Instructions: The first thing we will do is place the candle wick in the glass bowl, we will glue it with glue docs, then we will put the sand, you can try to place it with a spoon to give it the shape you want, after placing the sand we will put our snowflakes and ornaments on the top remember to only fill half with sand so that you can have space for the decorations that you want to put on the top, after you have all your decorations we will put the gel wax that we already have melted, in this process we have to be very careful since the gel wax is hot, after all this process we just have to wait, after about an hour your gel candle is ready to decorate your home.